With more than 1,200 Men's health projects funded around the world, the Movember is a cause worth supporting as it tackles issues faced by men and too often ignored such as prostate and testicle cancers, depression, suicide, etc.

Once again the Düsseldorf Dragons have chosen to support this cause. In November, some of us will grow a MOustache, some of us will participate by MOving themselves on a 60 Km distance, some of us will do both with one goal: Get your support.

Each participant in our team has created his/her own Movember page on the Movember Foundation site allowing you to support them individually with your donation. You can also decide to support the Team by donating on the Team's page itself.

As a club, we have decided to put some of our previous seasons' gear on Auction. Half of the money collected with this auction will be given to the Movember Foundation. Check what we put on sale! Some items are unique. Bid for the one you want, get yourself your next training gear and support the cause at the same time.

For more information on Movember or to access our Movember auction, visit the following page on our Movember page.

Stay tuned with our Facebook and Instagram page, we will post regular updates on this action.

Thank you in advance to all of you who will take part and support us. It means a lot.